Ladybird BOOKS のDisneyのシリーズ、表紙の絵で、もうお分かりですね。
a tiny cocker spaniel puppy peeped out at her.
cocker spaniel コッカースパニエル(小型犬の犬種)
She had bones to bury.
bury 埋める
What's wrong, lassie?
lass お嬢さん
Jim Dear and Darling seemed cross with her.
cross with 〜 〜に怒っている
Darling is expecting a wee bairn.
bairn 赤ん坊
Lady looked puzzled.
puzzled 当惑して、どまどって
A baby is a cute little bundle of...
a bundle of 〜 一束の〜
Lady turned round to see who had spoken.
round ぐるりと回って
Walking towards her was a scruffy but handsome mongrel called Tramp.
scruffy 汚れた、みすぼらしい
mongrel 雑種
She brought her two Siamese cats with her.
Siamese cats シャム猫
The cats were sly and mischievous.
sly ずるい
mischievous イタズラ好きな
They raced through the house frightening the canary, ripping the curtains and upsetting the goldfish bowl!
frighten 怖がらさせる、怯えさせる
canary カナリア
upset ひっくり返す
the cats made it look as though it was all Lady's fault.
as though まるであたかも〜であるかのように
she decided to buy a muzzle to restrain the little dog.
muzzle 口輪
restrain 〜を制止する
So she took Lady to a pet shop that very day.
that very day ちょうどその日、当日
She managed to wriggle free and leapt off the shop's counter.
wriggle 身をよじる、のたついてゴソゴソする
leap - leapt - leapt 跳ぶ、はねる、跳び越える
Cars and lorries whizzed by.
lorry トラック
whiz ピュっと音を立てて飛ぶ
terrified 心配で、怯えて
A pack of stray dogs jumped out and began chasing her.
a pack of 〜 〜の群れ
Lady fled down an alley to try and escape but a huge fence blocked her way
flee - fled - fled 逃れる、逃亡する
He was a very fierce fighter and quickly forced the other dogs back the way they had come.
fierce 激しい、どう猛な
forced 押し付けられた
He was gnawing through some logs to build a dam.
gnaw かじる
beginning to chew a strand of spagetti.
a strand of (糸状のもの) 一本の〜
Lady blushed and the two dogs gazed dremily at each other.
blush 頬を赤らめる
gaze 見つめる
Tramp took lady for a stroll in a park.
stroll ぶらぶら歩くこと、散歩
She was determined to go home.
determined 確たる強い意志を持った
Lady was horrified.
horrify を怖がらせる
They splashed through a stream and jumped over ditches.
ditch 水路
Poor Lady was taken off to the dog pound
pound 野犬の収容所
Lady's eyes filled with tears as the door of her cell clanged shut behind her.
clang カラーン、カーンとなる
she noticed two eyes glinting in the shadows.
glint きらりと光る
A huge rat was scurring toward the house!
scurry (小動物が)大慌てな様子で走り急ぐ
In a flash,
in a flash またたく間にさっと
The rat was about to jump into the baby's cot when Tramp leapt at it.
cot ベビーベッド
The cot toppled over.
topple ぐらつく、倒れそうに傾く
Aunt Sarah had heard the commotion.
commotion 騒動
Merciful heavens!
merciful 慈悲深い
merciful heavens! (心の底から)まあ!
Aunt Sarah only saw Lady and Tramp and immediately blamed them.
blame とがめる、避難する
You vicious brutes!
vicious 残虐で乱暴な
brute ひどいやつ
Then she dragged Lady downstairs and locked her in a dark, damp cellar.
drag 引きずる
damp じめじめした
cellar 地下貯蔵庫
Jock and Trusty were following the scent of the pound wagon.
the scent of 〜の香り
The horses reared up and the wagon overturned.
rear up (馬が)後ろ足で立つ
overturn 横転する
It crashed to the floor, trapping Trusty's leg beneath.
trap (指などを)挟む
beneath 〜の下に
Then the wagon door sprung open and Tramp leapt free.
sprung open パッと開く
Trusty, whose broken leg was mending well,
mend (怪我など)直す
He looked fondly at three of the tiny puppies.
fondly 愛情を込めて優しく
aye はい(賛成)そうだね。